Thursday, January 15, 2009

Need a recipe for chutney? Ask President Lincoln/Obama!

This whole Obama/Lincoln image thing is really annoying me. They are both politicians from Illinois and neither were born there. End of similarities. Stop it already with the "I'm just like so-and-so" rigamarole and just be yourself Barack. [rant truncated]
That being said, Lincoln is my fave preznidint (Lincoln, by Gore Vidal, is one of the most moving books I have ever ever ever read) so I am more than happy to bathe in all the 19th century nostalgia.
And in spite of the $150,000,000 being utterly wasted on the inauguration, I'm secretly giddy about the luncheon being based on Abraham Lincoln's favorite foods. Check out the menu/recipes! Who knew Lincoln liked chutney?!?!

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