Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ay México!

Found a jar of jalapeños at an import shop last week and upon consuming nearly half of the firey little buggers I've been overcome with an acute case of nostalgia for Mexico. Pictured here is one of my favorite buildings in la Ciudad: the chocolate museum ~ unfortunately funded by the evil Nestle company, but at least they have some taste in architecture. Designed by the very young Michel Rojkind.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Chronic indolence

I was told when I took this job that it was a university where poor attendance was endemic. "Not in my classes it ain't!" I smugly thought (and yes, my complacent inner voice often speaks in double negatives). Well, in spite of a strict - yet fair attendance policy (the kids can email me from their cell phones and I won't count it as an absence/tardiness) I have already failed 8 of the lazy-ass mofos yet we're still three weeks from mid-terms! At least my buddy in the photo has a sense of humor. And for his effort, he was granted clemency.